Tiny And Mighty..

The world Premature Day is observed on 17th November every year to spread awareness about premature birth and preemies.

The aim is to give the tiny preemies equal opportunity of survival and also to spread awareness among medical fraternity about the challenges and risks of premature birth. When born too soon for inevitable reasons, we protect them and help them grow healthy and strong by providing them comfort near to mother’s womb.

This year’s theme “ A Parent’s Embrace – a powerful therapy” in simple is to provide skin to skin contact popularly known as Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). This is a powerful care which parents and family members can give to baby with an extraordinary healing benefit to the baby’s physical and mental development. We in our CMH NICU under the guidance of Dr. Praveen have done a QI Study in the last 8 months with successful outcome.

On the Premature Day observed in our CMH, special guests were our tiny sparks, NICU graduates who now have a cute name of their own and have lightened up the lives of people around them.

Off all the shining stars, our 500gm baby born in January 2022, is now a bubbly 9 months old girl who is ready to wave bye bye to the extended family here in CMH which she earned because of her extended stay in NICU . Overwhelmed to see her attain all milestones to the corrected age.

Touched by the stories shared by the parents, how they fought the battles of fear of survival of their babies when born prematurely. Today we saw tears of joy in same eyes. It is a journey with our preemies, daily we see them grow.. with ups and downs till they are ready to go home.

CMH being a mission hospital has been upholding its mission of quality care to people of all strata in the society and has made its unique name in the city.

Standing together strong to protect the little angels..
Every baby is worth the wait..
The smallest footprints leave the deepest impression..


Dr Hema delighted with the growth of the baby Dr Hema delighted with the growth of the baby

Dr Hema delighted with the growth of the baby

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